Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tool #9

Students can use Jing to create their own video presentation with images that reflect the content they are studying. The captured images can contain facts that students have researched. If students are working in teams, they can share responsibilities before the final product is uploaded onto screencast. Once they are uploaded, they can easily embed them to their blogs; thereby, providing publishing for all visitors to view. It's an excellent learning tool because multiple topics within an academic unit can be researched.

Skype serves as an excellent way to video conference with counterparts. My classroom did a skype activity with students from another SBISD school. Their skype partners reflected the same profile as my students(i.e. grade level, language and age). They "skyped" a book that the two classes were reading in their respective classrooms. Their task was to write higher-order questions regarding characters, plot and conclusion in the story. The day of the activity, both classes took turns asking the other audience the given questions. Skyping allowed both groups to use higher-order thinking skills while maintaining focus on the anthology given.